From the first day you're born, you enter into a relationship with someone.
This multiplied by family, friends, acquaintances, peers, co-workers and of
course boyfriends or girlfriends. These relationships are important because
they shape, mold and build character. However none will impact your life
more than marriage.
A marriage is what you make it. We have the power to build or break it. To
value marriage one must first value God. It's important that we value our
relationship with the Lord. In turn this overflows into our marriage.
Marriage is not a man and a woman co-existing together with separate
duties. It is actually a man and woman coming together in a union under and
in God.
Now I, Mr. Flowers have always been fascinated by words and playing on
them. When I was young I saw the word "together" and thought "to-get-her".
Thankfully I got older and thought "to-gather". I see the same word now and I
think "two-gather". For me, this takes the phrase "two is better than one"
and gives it clarity.
We are not just partners or a couple. We have the
same vision, mission, goals and desires. We are therefore a team.
Unfortunately, we have not always performed as a team. There was a time when we
both co-habitated and took on roles. I, Mrs. Flowers, was unemployed and I stayed home
ensuring a warm, clean home. He went to work day after day, ensuring security
and paying bills. But my husband would come home and watch Sports Center. I would go
into another room and play the PS3. There was no relationship; nor
communication between us. This is very unhealthy for a marriage.
To have a successful marriage you must invest time, communication and love.
God must be first. He is the source and that relationship is most
important. We learned to first invest in our relationship with God and
value it with all of our hearts. Once we started doing that, it poured over
into our value of one another. God is to be first,
he makes all the difference.
Marriage was and still is a gift from the Lord, to be accepted, respected, and
never neglected. We encourage singles to look forward to it and married
couples to continue enjoying and appreciating it. If you asked us "What's
the value of marriage?" We'll answer, "Priceless."
Team Flowers
Amazing!!!! I can relate to and appreciate this post so much!! God bless the flowers;) love, The Leonards